There are few things that may be as upsetting as seeing your infant suffer as a new parent. Many parents deal with the frequent problem of acupressure points for colic, which is marked by prolonged and severe sobbing in an otherwise healthy infant. If you’ve tried anything at all, you’ve definitely tried rocking and swaddling, special meals, and warm baths.
It seems, nevertheless, that these strategies aren’t always successful. It was then that I began to see acupressure’s advantages. A number of ailments are treated by pressure applied to certain body areas in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). Acupuncture is one such method. Seven acupressure sites that have been a lifesaver for me will be shared with you here to assist ease colic in babies.
The enormous medical benefits of the hand’s Hegu point, located between the thumb and index finger, are widely recognised. To locate this spot, pinch the webbing that lies between your baby’s thumb and index finger and gently press.
According to legend, hegu promotes the body’s Qi (energy) to flow more freely, potentially reducing pain and discomfort. This region can be stimulated to help promote digestion and relieve colic-related abdominal pain.
Upon initially using this on baby, we were astounded by how rapidly it soothed him/her. You can employ this easy-to-use, yet highly efficient approach anywhere and at any time.
On the leg, around four fingerwidths below the kneecap and one fingerwidth outside the shinbone, is where you can find Zusanli. This particular location is well-known for having strong impacts on the digestive system.
Zuzanli is frequently called the “master point” for digestive well-being. It helps to relieve bloating, ease abdominal pain, and regulate the stomach and intestines—all frequent symptoms of colic.
We’ve noticed significant improvements in baby’s digestion and a reduction in colic episodes after incorporating Zusanli into our daily routine.
The Sanyinjiao point is located three finger-widths above the ankle in the inner leg. The kidney, liver, and spleen meridians can all be harmonised by using this location.
The digestive system problems that Sanyinjiao treats are particularly effective in reducing bloating and pain in the abdomen. This point improves calmness and soothes upset stomachs in colicky newborns.
Sanyinjiao relaxes the baby and makes sleep easier, in addition to helping with colic.
The spot between the eyebrows known as Yintang is frequently called the “third eye.” This point’s calming and soothing qualities make it popular.
Both the parent and the infant can benefit from Yintang stimulation’s ability to lessen tension and anxiety. This point can help calm down babies who are having colic and lessen their excessive crying.
We’ve discovered that Yintang works quite well when the baby is fussy. It’s a straightforward method that can significantly improve your baby’s comfort.
Situated in the valley between the big and second toes, the Taichong point is the highest point on the foot. This point is useful for lowering tension and encouraging relaxation; it is connected to the liver meridian.
The liver Qi, which can become sluggish and aggravate colic symptoms, is regulated by taichong. This point helps ease bloating and pain in the abdomen by encouraging a smooth flow of energy.
In our experience, the baby’s colic symptoms have decreased, and his general mood has improved when we stimulate the Taichong point.
When the arm is bent, Quchi is at the end of the elbow crease. This point is frequently utilised to address a range of digestive problems.
Quchi is useful for easing pain and encouraging a healthy flow of Qi. Stimulating this area can assist babies with colic feel less bloated and have better digestion.
The baby’s colic symptoms have greatly improved since we started using Quchi in our acupressure practice; they are now more comfortable and less unhappy.
TCM considers the top of the head, or Baihui, to be a crucial place with soothing properties. Gently feel for a tiny indentation on the head’s crown to find this location.
Baihui has a reputation for lowering tension and calming the mind. Stimulating this region can assist in reducing excessive crying in babies and encourage calmness.
Baihui is an important element to include in our regimen because, as we’e learned, it not only helps with colic but also improves sleep.
It’s important to use caution when applying acupressure to infants. Because a baby’s skin and muscles are still developing, apply gentle pressure and watch for their reactions. If your infant appears uneasy or unhappy, ease off the pressure or switch to a new spot.
Apply acupressure in a quiet, peaceful setting. This improves the effectiveness of the procedure and helps your infant relax. To create a calming atmosphere, you can utilise white noise or play some quiet music.
For acupressure to be effective, consistency is essential. Include it in your daily schedule before bedtime or during diaper changes. Over time, cumulative benefits may be obtained by stimulating these areas on a regular basis.
Observe the indications that your baby gives you. After acupressure, if your infant seems less fussy and more peaceful, stick to the same points. If not, experiment with different pressure settings or points.
Acupressure can be used in conjunction with other methods of relaxation including rocking, swaddling, or using a dummy. Reducing colic symptoms generally can be made more effective by using a holistic strategy.
Colic can be challenging, but acupressure offers natural relief. Incorporate these seven acupressure points for colic into your routine to soothe your baby. Each infant is unique, so be patient and observant as you find what works best.
With practice, acupressure becomes a valuable tool for calming your baby and creating a happier environment. If you’re seeking natural relief for colic, give acupressure a try. It’s made a significant difference in many families’ lives, and it can in yours too.
At Ren Shan TCM, our practitioners specialise in traditional Chinese medicine, including infant acupressure. Contact us to schedule a consultation and discover how our holistic approach can bring harmony to your family. Don’t let colic disrupt your bonding moments—find relief with us today.